Sunday, November 2, 2014

An Extra Hour

Here's a new poem titled, "An Extra Hour".  I thought it was fitting, considering we "gained" an hour of sleep last night.

An Extra Hour
written by Ryan Matthew Ewing

I have an extra hour
And you do too
But unlike He-Man, I don't have the power
So with this extra sixty minutes, what should we do?

We could sleep in a little bit past the chime
And dream of all the great things that float in my mind
Like having you and your friend at the same time
But if I think too hard about that I'll surely go blind
So maybe I'll use the extra hour to spend with Elvis on 45
Oh, I know the King is good n' dead these days
But wouldn't it be nice to have him good n' alive
But I bet I'd get bored of that hip-shaking phase

With an extra hour I could clean the whole house!
Sweep, mop, vacuum...  anything but the toilets really
I mean, I ain't the one wearing the gloves and the blouse
So I'll chip in, but only do so much ideally
I guess with an extra hour I could shave my legs
It's not something I've ever done or considered
I'm assuming it would take me the full hour to do those pegs
They'd probably look all choppy and Margot Kiddered

An hour is sixty minutes
Or three episodes of Full House (if you cut out the opening and end credits)
It's also enough time to make a sweet BASF mix tape, remember those?
An hour is one third of most Wrestlemania shows.
Except for Wrestlemania IV.. that one was friggin' long
An extra hour long

Is an extra hour really enough to have pasted?
By the time you decide what to do
You've used up ten minutes already wasted
I know what I'll do
I'll use this extra hour to write a silly poem for you

- ryan

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