Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miss Elizabeth WAS A Total Babe

Miss Elizabeth Is WAS A Total Babe

Originally, I was going to showcase a list of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but then I felt the need to talk about the 1st Lady of Wrestling, the lovely Miss Elizabeth.

For many of us, Miss Elizabeth was our first celebrity crush. She had it all. Great legs. Gorgeous smile. Barely spoke. Everything a testosterone driven youngling wants in a woman. And there was even an action figure of her that we could play with. Talk about therapy in the making!

I was only seven years old when I started getting interested in WWF wrestling, and Miss Elizabeth was manager to "Macho Man" Randy Savage. She lead him to a WWF Championship at Wrestlemania IV in 1988, and then she started hanging out with Hulk Hogan too. The 90s weren't very good to Miss Elizabeth though. She appeared with Dusty Rhodes at Wrestlemania VI, and then vanished for a couple years before re-hooking up with Savage and marrying him. She was probably sick of Dusty's polka dots. Another few years went by under the radar, and Miss Elizabeth showed up in WCW at the end of the decade. We knew she'd gotten older, and she accepted her role as a cougar with stunning grace, and black leather boots. She died after managing Lex Luger. And yes, I still believe he knocked her out-to-death with his metal forearm.

I went to Wrestlemania VI in 1990. It was a great trip. There were over sixty-seven thousand people in Toronto's SkyDome, but I will always remember one specific person.

I was waiting in line with my dad, and all the other wrestling fans. Of course the conversation turned to the topic of Miss Elizabeth. Back then, wrestling was supposed to be about family entertainment. But it was that afternoon that I learned what "tongue painting" was, and how the stranger in front of me in line would offer his "tongue painting" services to Miss Elizabeth any time she wanted.

As sad as it is to no longer have Miss Elizabeth in this world, at least we can look back on all the fond (and sexy) memories of her. I'm getting all nostalgic and might just go buy the Wrestlemania IV DVD. Those were peaceful times... before the Mega-Powers exploded.

Thanks for reading!
- ryan

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