Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Letter To My Dinner

Dear Dinner,

I just wanted to take a second or two to thank you for filling me up today.  You have ensured that I will not be hungry until most likely breakfast time tomorrow.  I say most likely because I don't know how much of that morning hunger is actual hunger or just the fact that I'm used to filling my pie-hole around seven in the morning and if I don't do so promptly my body starts sending me warning signals.

I stand by the tried and tested rule of, "No Dessert Until You've Cleaned Your Plate."

With that in mind, I'd also like to thank you, Dinner, for being so likable in the first place.  I mean, you really should have seen it - I was, like, done eating you in four or five bites tops.  If you listened closely enough you would have heard a "shoom" sound as the fork went into my mouth.

If there's one bit of constructive criticism I could give you, Dinner, it would be that you just aren't as satisfying as a good breakfast on a Sunday.  You know the type - where you don't need to eat for the rest of the day afterward. Please don't get the wrong idea, I'm not saying you should try to change to be more like breakfast.  I love you, Dinner, just the way you are.  It's not a competition.

You know, now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have even brought up breakfast.  
I mean, not mentioned it.  "Brought up" sounds like something else entirely.

Wow, talk about putting my own foot in my mouth there.  Anyway, how's your mom and dad doing?  Did they ever get that hole in the boat fixed?

Great catching up, 
Hope to hear from you soon,


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