Sunday, September 28, 2014

Look Daddy! Transformers! Harry Potter!

Somewhere along the way of being an awesome dad, my little girl Ryleigh has gotten a bit confused.

For some strange reason, she seems to think characters from Star Wars are something else entirely.

The boy who lived.
This started a few months back when we were coming home from daycare.  We went into the living room and the TV had been left on. The Empire Strikes Back was showing in all it's glory on the Spike Network (because realistically they never show anything else).  The movie was about halfway through, right when Yoda is training Luke Skywalker.  We got into the living room, and Ryleigh was really excited to see the little, green Jedi master in widescreen.

"Look Daddy," she exclaimed.  "Harry Potter!"

I didn't think very much of it at all.  "Ha ha ha, silly kid."

Then, more and more, whenever we'd be somewhere and see a picture of Star Wars, or a Star Wars toy...

"Look Daddy, Transformers!" She shouted when she saw a poster of Darth Vader in the video store.

I have to remember that she's only three years old.  I mean, she seems to truly believe in her heart that Batman can fly.

She broke my Princess Leia.  I'm over it.
A few weeks ago I came home with a vintage Millennium Falcon toy.  She loved it.  And when I set it up in the Fan Cave she didn't want Han Solo flying it.  "No Daddy," she stated.  "Harry Potter and Transformer need to fly the space plane." And she proceeded to put Yoda and Darth Vader into the cockpit.  I wasn't fussy about it.  After all, I got to play with the Lando figure.  I was the coolest guy in the galaxy.

I suppose I should just be excited at all that she's even interested in watching Star Wars.  I mean, she now knows some of the characters - Harry Potter, Transformer, Bee-boo-Bee-2, Pony Fett, and Chewbroccoli - even if she's not 100% sure of their names.

And she pointed out that Transformer isn't a very nice daddy to Luke Skywalker.

I dunno, I grew up on Star Wars AND Transformers at the same time and look how I turned out.  I think she's going to be just fine.  And really, if Harry Potter were half as good as Yoda then he would've found those Horcruxes lickity-split.


ps - for the record, she only watches the original trilogy because I'm a good parent.

Well... son of a bitch.

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