Thursday, February 9, 2012

RRFC (Retro Ryan Fan Club) #5 - Spring 1999... outta my hands.

RFC Newsletter #7 (April 1999)
Let me be the first to say that it's never a good idea to give me a good idea.
Fuck, a bad idea that sorta sounds good at the time isn't too smart either.

I was gearing up to finish high school in Spring 1999... and I was starting to think I might be able to actually get away with being "Ryan Fan Club" for the rest of my life.  Wait, you mean forgo the idea of going off to college and being creative instead?  Ohhhh shit!

It was right about this time that the Ryan Fan Club really started taking off.  I mean, really, it kinda got out of hand.

There's a great anecdote I used to tell about a girl named Chelsea who worked at HMV.  I was looking to purchase the Labyrinth soundtrack there and asked her if I could get a discount for being famous for doing nothing.  She looked at me like I was a retard, and probably rightfully so, and then asked why I had my own fan club.

There were a lot of people back then who used to ask me that.  "Uh... why do you have your own fan club...?"

Chelsea turned down my request for a discount.  But she did take an RFC Application form from my friend Crofton, probably just to shut us up and get us to leave.  A half hour or so later we bumped into some Ryan-Fans in the mall, so I asked them if they had their membership cards with them.  They said 'yes', so I asked them to go to HMV to try and get a discount with them.

When I got home and checked my e-mail, Chelsea had joined the Ryan Fan Club.

RFC Newsletter announced the movie I was filming, promoted the newly-for-sale RFC Yearbook 1999 (if you ask me nicely enough I'll post it online too), and hinted at titles for a forthcoming Autobiography.  I was surrounding myself with awesome friends and collaborators who would say things like, "you know what would be stupid?  If you wrote your autobiography!  And if people read it!"

So I wrote it.  And people friggin' read it.  I love this planet.  I think I'll stay here a while.

This newsletter also featured the results of the 1st Annual RFC Awards.

And then Newsletter #8 came with even more craziness!  Fans started sending in questions for me to answer... holy sexy butter!  That's fan mail!  Fans started submitting their own poetry for me to share with the rest of the club too!  This newsletter had a great little poem by Quinn Cousineau.  Everything really was turning up cherries for me.

Life was good.

Until next time,
- Ryan

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