Friday, April 15, 2016

Top 11 Presidents

the donald
You know, I rarely delve into politics.  It's not that I'm overly political, or underly political, or really have a very good opinion on politics.

But you can't take a shit anywhere in the world anymore without hearing someone's opinion of Donald Trump running for President of the United States of America.

My opinion of whether or not he'd make a good leader (my opinion is that he wouldn't) doesn't really matter.  I'm not a citizen of the USA and I've never spent the night in one of his luxury hotels.  But I've seen a lot of movies and television over the years, so here's my list of the Top 11 Presidents.

Maybe the Donald will be on this list.  Probably not.

11. Presidents of the United States of America
You can interpret this one however you want.  You can believe it's all of the presidents ever grouped together or that shitty band who had the shitty song about peaches. I'm not a big fan of either.

10. President Sparkling Wine 
If it gets you drunk, it should be on every top eleven list ever.

09. President's Day
Is it a holiday?  Are you being paid to stay home and do nothing with your family?  Oooh la la!

08. Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Universe
Maybe the President of the USA should have two heads instead of one.

07. Cam "President Seabass" Neely
Sure, the Bruins may have sucked this year (and last year) but Neely is still my favorite hockey player of all-time.

06. The President of the Hair Club for Men
He's also a member!

05. President's Choice White Cheddar Macaroni n' Cheese
Oh my gosh, you've gotta eat this stuff.  If you live in the USA you might not have access to it, but imagine Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese that tasted a million times better.  No, a bajillion times. 

04. E.G. Marshall
He was the President in my favorite movie ever, Superman II.

03. Ronnie
He better talk to Russia before it's too late.

02. Harry "Get Off My Plane" Ford

01. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  The man.

Thanks for...uh.... reading!
- ryan

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