Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What Would Santa Want For Christmas?

me with Santa in the 80s
You know, at this time of the year we all get a bit greedy.  It's not all bad either.  Sometimes we get greedy about giving.  We all tend to go overboard about what we want to spoil our friends and family with in terms of gifts.

When we think about the big guy up north in the ice fortress- Santa Claus, not Superman - we always think about what he can bring us.  But, what would Santa Claus like for Christmas?

Do you suppose the elves give him gifts?
Does Mrs. Claus wait patiently under the mistletoe in some sexy Santa-themed lingerie while he's out spending an evening in a bunch of chimneys?

When I told my daughter that we leave milk and cookies for the jolly fat man, she decided that Santa might like a new coffee cup instead.  When we go visit Santa at the mall for overpriced photos this weekend, she's going to bring him a new coffee cup as a gift.  Sure, we'll probably cheap out and get him one from the dollar store but we're really just interested in seeing the look on Santa's face when someone gives him a gift for a change. 

It was my daughter's coffee cup idea that prompted me to come up with today's blog.  When we think of thoughtful gifts, it turns out that Santa is actually kind of tough to shop for.  Almost like most of our fathers - Santa probably has everything he needs.

Greatest Christmas album ever
Oh, and other than delivering presents on Christmas Eve we don't really know what else Santa does with the rest of his time.  Think about it, the elves make the toys for him.  I don't believe he spends 364 days looking at the naughty-or-nice list.  That would be a bit obsessive for anybody.  He might as well memorize the phone book.

So I've put together a list of things Santa might want for Christmas.  Well, if I were Santa anyway...
  •  a new stereo for the sleigh - one with a port for his iPod, so he can listen to the Hanson Christmas album while delivering presents
  • a Tide To Go stick, for when some of those chimneys get his red suit to sooty. 
  • Just For Men Mustache & Beard, to give him a bit of a younger feel for the summer
  • some Nesquik, because regular milk and cookies must get boring after the hundredth serving.
...and that's really all I got.  Like I said, we don't really know Santa all that well outside of his Christmastime activities.  For all we know, Santa might be an amazing Backgammon player.  Or maybe he likes fly fishing.  Or he's a hobbyist photographer.  Or a knitting enthusiast.

Could it be possible that Santa is a stamp collector?

No matter.  I'm sure Santa would be happy with whatever gift he receives.

And if not, he can just re-gift to one of the millions of children in the world.  And you'd never know.

- ryan of the ryan fan club

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