Thursday, May 9, 2013

6 Childhood Crushes You Know You Had

Today we're looking at six crushes we all had when we were kids.  I wonder what girls the kids today are digging.

#1 - Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman
Batman Returns came out in the summer of 1992, and all of us pre-pubescent boys were in heaven.  And so were our dads.  I bet half of our fathers took us to the theater that summer to see the skin tight leather cat outfit.  It was almost like a right of passage for us young boys: the passing of the pervert torch from father to son, all while watching Batman beat up the Penguin.   

nice cans...errr...can.
#2 - Cindy Crawford in that Pepsi commercial
Pepsi was the choice of the New Generation in the early 90s, even though they had old man Ray Charles as the spokesman for Diet Pepsi, and Cindy Crawford had everything young teenage boys with developing hormones liked at the time: big hair, big... other things, tight white shirt, a beauty mark (just a mole with a fancy name really), and soda pop.  Maybe since Pepsi is actually sweeter in taste than Coca-Cola they felt they needed the sweetest model they could find for their commercials.  These days, I think she has her own line of furniture or something.  And I'm back to drinking Coke.  Whod'a thunk?
do do, do do do dooooo

#3 - Brittany from the Chipettes
...just admit it to yourself and we'll move on.

...earrings...almost big
#4 - Susanna Hoffs
You know, back in the 80s I never really had the hots for the Hoffs, but just about everyone else did.  I actually didn't know much of The Bangles other than "Walk Like An Egyptian."  Even "Manic Monday" didn't end up in my record pile until the mid-90s when I was exploring everything Prince ever had his hands in.  I had a crush on Cyndi Lauper as a kid and still do to this day.  But, after watching a bazillion "Greatest of the 80s" shows, I decided to see what all the fuss was about Miss Hoffs.  And you know what?  She's got some of the nicest eyes I've ever seen.  Kudos to everyone who had a crush on her back in the day.
thank you for being a friend.

#5 - Bea F-ing Arthur
... you mean that was just me?
I'll never deny it.  You'll never catch me saying, "Oh that whole 'I'd make sweet love to Bea Arthur thing'?  I was kidding."  But I guess we'll never know, because the angelic beauty that is Bea Arthur is no longer of this world.  But I can tell you one thing for certain - if there truly is a Heaven out there, then God himself is telling one of his buddies about how he's gonna try to put the moves on ol' Dorothy Zbornak.

dig it!
#6 - Miss Elizabeth
Ooh yeah. Miss Elizabeth is the mother of all childhood crushes.  Every single one of us grew up absolutely LOVING her.  I think she's half the reason people started cheering for the Macho Man in the first place.  He was the bad guy, who was too over-protective of her, and we all loved her unconditionally.  We all wanted to see her break away from the Macho Madness and find a nice guy.  But when she started hanging out with the Hulkster she became as boring as he was, just like everyone else who trains, says their prayers, and eats their vitamins.

And that's it!

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