Friday, September 14, 2012

No NHL = No Friends

So the evil Bettman might just finally succeed at stealing the NHL season away from us good people of Hockeytropolis City.  Or something like that.

the bear is always right.
All I really know, is that I don't know what I'll do without an NHL season for 2012-13.
You see, I'm a huge Bruins fan. Ask my wife.  She'll tell you I have too many Bruins jerseys, and that they "all look the same".  Most of my friends are Canadiens fans.  So you can imagine the heated conversations that occur between us during the hockey season.  They usually result in lots of cursing at each other, calling each other names that refer to us having sexual relations to members of the same sex, and me reminding them that the Bruins won a Stanley Cup in 2011.

Then they say, "well the Habs have 25 bajillion Stanley Cups and the Bruins only have six..."

... Jesus, I hate those Habs.  Bunch of fucking Habs...

Anyway, I fear that without having hockey this fall my friends and I will have nothing to talk about.  I mean, what am I gonna do, brag about how I beat the Habs 19-2 in NHL13 for the Xbox? I can't really put a lot of stock in that.

On a side note, I have a couple friends who are Canucks fans.  That's just awful.  Don't get me wrong, I hate the Canadiens, but I can understand why someone would cheer for them.  I respect the team that's been in Montreal since the dawn of poutine... doesn't mean I have to like them.

my daughter in 2011 holding a bruins stanley cup
The Canucks..  they need to just fuck off and grow a pair.

So back to the lockout.  The last time there was a lockout, everyone started watching and playing poker on Saturdays to fill the ice gap.  I can't see myself going back to poker.  That was definitely a fad, and I ended up playing just as much Rummoli as I did poker anyway.  Maybe curling?

Nope.  Not doing that any time soon.

So basically, there needs to be a hockey season.  Without it, I'll have nothing to talk to my friends about and I'll get very lonely.  And if there's no hockey on TV, I might have to actually pay attention to what my wife is talking about.

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