Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PC Products That Don't Exist

I'm a pretty big fan of the President's Choice Brand.  Quite sometime ago I did a big rant on their Ballpark Hot Dog flavored potato chips.  A bit too relish-y, but still something very different.  I really dig their "LOADS OF" funky ice creams, granola bars, cookies, etc etc etc.

PC Loads Of Chocolaty Peanut Butter Treats Ice Cream... I'm drooling, just thinking about it - and today is the first day of snow... I shouldn't want ice cream.

Advertising that your product has LOADS of something awesome in it is brilliant, so when I came across these, I had to share.

I hope PC offers a "Loads of Orgasms" line of condoms and a "Loads of Hair Replacement For Male Pattern Baldness" shampoo soon.  They'd conquer the market with those.

I'd buy them.

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