Monday, August 10, 2015

Top 11 Doctors

Need a prescription?  How about someone to take a look at that mole? What about someone to fight Nazis or jam with the Electric Mayhem?

Here's 11 of the best doctors.

11. Dr. Who - I'm not a fan, but he's always around attractive British girls so he's got that going for him.
10. Dr. J. Jones - in the 70's, Aerosmith toured a few small venues under the pseudonym "Dr. J. Jones and the Interns." That would've been cool to see.
9. Doogie Howser M.D. - yo Vinny!
8. Dr. Dolittle - any excuse to have Eddie Murphy on a list is a good excuse.
7. Dr. Kahn, my dentist - he does good work.
6. Doctor Zaius - he's not just a damn, dirty ape!
5. Dr. Schlotkin - he went back to the course to work on his putts.
4. Dr. Henry Jones Jr. - they named the dog Indiana.
3. Doctor Teeth - hmmmm, usually the doc puts his fingers up your bum but I guess it's the opposite when the doc is a Muppet.
2. Dr. Mario - level twenty is the only real starting level.
1. Doc Emmet Brown - great Scott! One point twenty-one gigawatts!

The end!
(I wanted to include Dr. Huxtable, but he's not very popular on the internet right now)

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