Sunday, April 29, 2012

Top 11 New Album Titles I Won't Be Using

So I've been getting asked by many Ryan-Fans about this new CD I'm putting together.  So far, so good.
No, that's not the title.  This isn't a 1993 Bryan Adams Greatest Hits compilation.

The biggest question I've been getting asked is, "What's the name of the new album?"  Well, the project doesn't have a name yet.  There are a few I've been toying with, such as "Swag", "Hard", and "Toxika" (the latter named for my cat who died in 2001), but here's a list of eleven album titles I certainly won't be using.

11. "The Alaskan Pipeline"
Look up what that means on Urban Dictionary, and you'll see why I even thought about using it as a title.

10. "Ryan Fan Club (feat. Englebert Humperdink) Presents Classic Re-Interpretations of Ritchie Valens Songs"
Now this one is a great title, but it's kind of on the long side.  Any radio announcer talking about the album would waste half their day on just the title.

9. "No Room For The Sofa"
I originally planned on calling the "Friggidy Ding-Dong" album this, but ended up just using the phrase as a lyric in that song.

8. "Raditude"
I WAS going to use this title once upon a time too, but someone named Weezer beat me to it.  God, I hate them.

7. "God, I Hate Weezer"
It's catchy and all, but you'd end up accidentally illegally downloading that stupid sweater song while searching for torrents of my album.  I wouldn't want to subject you to that song.

6. "The Blonde Leading The Blonde"
... mmmmmmm.... dirty thoughts....

5. "Six"
At some point, most artists name an album based on how many albums they've made.  Kravitz did it.  STP did it.  Zeppelin unofficially did it.  I won't be doing it any time soon.  At least not until "17".

4. "Offside"
This was almost the name of my "Very Best Of" collection from a couple years ago.  I play a lot of street hockey, so it appealed to me.  And the silly, rude songs were kind of "offside" too - if you catch my drift.

3. "Spaceballs The Concept Album - By Ryan Fan Club"
Yeah, I could turn that classic film into a Broadway musical.  "...I need a million spacebucks and I'm feeling kinda blue-ish. I can get it from a Princess who doesn't look Druish..."  and so on, and so on.

2. "Skeletora-tora-tora!"
If you say that one three times fast, you'll open up a magic portal to a far away land...

1. "The Pink Album"
It's just a little too obvious, given my love of the color and all things associated with it.  With the connotations that go along with the color and it's relation to a woman's vagina, I might as well just call the album "Crosby" and have a big, hairy beaver crying next to a dam that's fallen apart.

And that's that!

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