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scientific science at work. |
9. You don't have to look your best. You could just wear smelly sweat pants... or an old Ultimate Warrior t-shirt... or nothing but socks...
8. Nobody else is going to do it for you, you fugly bastard.
7. If you're an attractive woman, you could make serious cash online doing it. Don't ask me how. I'm neither wealthy, nor an attractive woman.
6. It's been proven by scientific science that doing it will kill either a kitten or Tony Danza. Help control the Tony Danza population.
5. You get to be the master. Or, in some parts of Europe, you get to be the "mastur".
4. Frequent instances of loving yourself will help to keep the almond farmers employed. At least it should. Eat lots of almonds folks!
3. You could write a new book! Yeah! With enough practice and determination you could write "The Kama Sutra For One".
2. Most religions consider it a sin. And admit it, when you sin, you feel pretty cool.
1. It's Friday.
So the next time you feel like loving yourself, for whatever reason, go ahead and do it while listening to "Menage A Moi". I won't be creeped out at all by that. The song is about three and a half minutes, so for some of you that means you'll have to put it on repeat. For the rest of you, if you finish before the first chorus is done I'll be mighty disappointed... or impressed if you're a chick, cause that would be really efficient work on your part.
Ta ta!
- r